
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Standard Commercial Software Definition

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Standard Commercial Software Definition Average ratng: 5,0/10 6431votes

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Standard Commercial Software Definition
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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Bureaucratic Organization Structure? Bureaucratic organizations have many layers of management. Christine Balderas/Photodisc/Getty Images.

Organizational structure provides a backbone upon which all of a company's operational policies and work processes are built. Managerial reporting relationships and the flow of ideas, decisions and information are formally laid out by a company's organizational structure. Structures can be relatively flat or tall; taller structures tend to operate more bureaucratically. No single organizational structure is inherently better than another. Rather, each structure has unique advantages and disadvantages best suited for specific situations.

Facts. Bureaucratic organizational structures have numerous layers of management, cascading down from senior executives to regional managers to departmental managers, all the way down to shift supervisors who work alongside frontline employees. Due to the many layers of management, decision- making authority has to pass through a larger number of layers than with flatter organizations. Refund decisions, for example, may have to pass from frontline employees, through shift supervisors, to store managers for a retail outlet in a bureaucratic company. Significance. In a bureaucratic organizational structure, authority is generally centered at the top, and information generally flows from the top down. This usually encourages a company culture focused on rules and standards, where operational processes are rigidly controlled with best- practices methodologies and close supervision. Advantages. Top- level managers in bureaucratic organizational structures exercise a great deal of control over organizational strategy decisions, which is ideal for business owners with a command and control style.

Strategic decision- making time can be shorter in a tall organizational structure, since less individuals are involved in the process. Standardization and best- practices are often highlights in companies with tall organizational structures, ensuring that work is consistently completed efficiently and effectively.

Disadvantages. Bureaucratic structures can discourage creativity and innovation throughout the organization. No matter how ingenious a business owner is, it is virtually impossible for a single individual to generate the range of strategic ideas possible in a large, interdisciplinary group. Front- line employees may receive less satisfaction from their jobs in a rigidly bureaucratic organization, increasing employee turnover rates. Organizations bound by rigid controls can also find themselves less able to adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace, industry or legal environment.

Considerations. At first glance, bureaucratic organizational structures may seem less desirable than flatter structures, but this is not necessarily so. Some industries, such as software development, may benefit from a more autonomous structure, but others such as fast food benefit from tight controls and tall hierarchies. About the Author.

David Ingram has written for multiple publications since 2. As a small- business owner, Ingram regularly confronts modern issues in management, marketing, finance and business law. He has earned a Bachelor of Arts in management from Walsh University. Photo Credits. Christine Balderas/Photodisc/Getty Images.

English Module 2. ICT4. LT. Module 2. Exploiting World Wide Web resources. Contents. Aims. This module follows on from Module. Introduction to the Internet, and aims to provide a practical.

Web resources on- and offline. This Web page is designed to be. Use File / Print in your browser to produce.

After you have digested the contents of the printed copy, come. Authors of. this module. Ros Walker, Freelance Educational. Consultant, UK. Graham Davies, Editor- in- Chief. ICT4. LT Website. If you want to surf.

Web using a browser, i. Most people connect to the Internet these days via. ADSL broadband connection but in some areas of the world older- style. Such. materials are an invaluable resource for the language teacher seeking ways of.

When searching for authentic materials look. TV stations. Many teachers.

Section 1. 2, Module 1. Contents of Section. Saving Web pages and selections from Web pages.

Saving whole Web pages. Web pages can easily. Use the File / Save As command on your browser. Microsoft Word file. You. can then access the downloaded page offline by double- clicking on its name in. This will cause your browser to spring into action. Saving a Web page that appears.

If you wish to save a Web page that appears in a frame. If you are in doubt about your precise location. URL - as opposed to the URL of. Properties in the menu that pops. The complete URL of this page, for example, is http: //www. This means that the page(s) will. The content will not be updated.

But this makes it safer for. You do, however, have to pay heed to copyright.

Section 2. 5 (below), headed Copyright. Some websites carry a warning that their pages may not be downloaded.

Web. Whacker. This application can save a whole site, together with links and images, directly. The technique is similar to what you would do in. Microsoft Word: While browsing the page, highlight.

Copy the highlighted text, using. Edit / Copy on the browser menu bar. You can now switch to a new application. Microsoft Word, and paste the text into it, using Edit / Paste. A word of warning: Web pages. HTML or XML), which contains a large number. Web browser. One way of preventing this.

Notepad (normally accessible via the Programs. Accessories menu on your computer) and to paste your text into Notepad. Tidy up the text in Notepad. See also Section 8. Module. 1. 4, which refers to pasting a text from the Web into the Fun with Texts.

Now try the above, selecting and. Microsoft Word: The World Wide Web is a remarkable. Tim Berners- Lee’s brilliant. HTML and the browser Seeking a solution to the problem. CERN, the. European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Tim Berners- Lee came up with. World Wide Web. As a newcomer to CERN, he found it difficult.

This is typical of many organisations, where. The newcomer to an organisation gleans information haphazardly, through. The browser - the key to the Web - is essentially a simple. Since the release of the first browser.

In addition, the Web has opened. Saving. images from a Web page. If you wish to save an image from. Web page, follow this procedure: Move the mouse over the image.

Click the right mouse button. Second, give the image a name. Third, the pop- up menu also.

Save as type choice. You will notice that a file type. Pictures on the Web are normally stored. JPG (or JPEG), GIF.

BMP: see Section 2. Module. 2. 2, headed Image editing software. Browse to the folder in which.

See the Save in box at the top of the pop- up. Click on Save to save. You can now use this image in other. Section 8, Module 1. Enhancing Word and Power.

Point documents with pictures and sound. Now try the above, using the following. R. This will cause a pop- up menu. Select Save Target As.. You can also specify an external storage device. Second, give the image a name. Third, the pop- up menu also.

Save as type choice. You will notice that a file type. Audio files on the Web are normally stored.

WAV format or MP3 format. Accept the file type choice that. For further information on handling and editing audio. Module 2. 2. Section 2. Sound recording and editing software.

A word of warning: WAV files. MP3 files are much smaller. Now try the above procedure, using. TELL Consortium German Encounters CD- ROM. The above procedure will usually.

WAV or MP3 format, but it will not. If you wish to edit the audio recordings. Section 2. 2. 3. 3, Module. Saving. video files from a Web page. This procedure is virtually identical.

The above procedure. WMV, MPG or AVI format. You. Tube. and Metacafe.

There are. however, ways round these problems: see Section. Module 2. 2, headed Saving and converting streaming media for. A word of warning: video.

Now try the above procedure, using. WMV format that Graham Davies made in Valencia in. March 2. 00. 9: Valencia.

Finally, if you wish to edit the. Section 2. 2. 3. 4, Module. Creating Web pages to use offline. Web pages can be.

These are simply documents that are stored. HTML format on a local hard disc or CD- ROM, which means that they can be.

The advantage of presenting information in this way. They can also be visually attractive. Once. created, pages can be run from an institutional intranet rather then uploaded. Web, which keeps the information within the institution and not accessible.

See Module 3. 3 on creating a website. Advantages of using sites offline.

Using sites offline focuses students. Students. have to focus on the materials in front of them and cannot stray onto other. Teachers can. easily adapt materials.

Materials that use language which is slightly too. The materials. are always available. You don't have to worry about sites suddenly going dead. Section. 2. 5 (below), headed Copyright issues.

See. Disadvantages of using. The main disadvantages. Web pages offline are: Websites can.

On the other hand, many websites are updated. Web pages that you have downloaded. The terms of use can usually be found at the bottom of.

Web page or via a link at the bottom of the page. The. ICT4. LT website is, however, fairly liberal in this respect: see our own Copyright. Creative. Commons Licence.

Copyright infringement is a growing. Section. 7. 2, Module 1. Web. Forward. Section vi, Module 3. See our General. guidelines on copyright, which is a general introduction to copyright, drawing.

Above all: Don't lend or donate downloaded. Don't publish downloaded materials. There are a number of sites that offer a variety of interactive exercises. See: Distance learning courses. Web are now well established. See: It has been argued, however, that.

Web- based CALL still has some way to go in terms catching up with the nature. CD- ROM or DVD technology. Hp Install Error Code 2732 Hp. See also Graham Davies's annotated list of Favourite. Websites, an extensive list that is constantly being updated and expanded.

Web- based. CALL is particularly weak in the following areas: Listen / respond / playback. We are still waiting for the Web to deliver activities that. AAC tape recorders in. Encounters. series of CD- ROMs, where the learner chooses a role in a dialogue, records. Simulations that include. Montevidisco, EXPODISC.

A la rencontre de Philippe, Sunpower and Who is Oscar Lake? This authoring tool has proved extremely.

Web. See Module. 2. Introduction to CALL authoring programs. Do you need. plug- ins? A plug- in is an extra piece. Web browser needs to run certain elements of a Web page.

You will find that when you. If the plug- in is not already. This is because a search. An unrefined. search will typically return a large number of results.

Students need to learn. Students need to learn how to.

Once they have found some suitable links. Students should be encouraged.

Students will need to be trained. Paris may well give you lots of sites about the French capital - . Paris, Texas? Learning tasks. Encouraging students to find. Think about dividing a.

The media: television, radio, the press, the Internet, censorship. Each. student / small group presents their topic to the rest of the group, affording. Students could also be encouraged. Have a look at the following. Walt Howe: Expert. Many websites allow users to search.

Students can then work with certain search criteria.