
Batman Begins Dvd

Batman Begins Dvd Average ratng: 6,8/10 4279votes

After taking on Superman's continuity, it seemed only logical to take on Batman as my next challenge. This is a far more complete list than I have ever found anywhere.

Batman Begins est un film réalisé par Christopher Nolan avec Christian Bale, Katie Holmes. Synopsis : Comment un homme seul peut-il changer le monde? Telle est la. WB Shop is the official online store of Warner Bros. Get the best deals on Harry Potter movies, Hanna Barbera merchandise, Batman games, and much more at!

Batman Begins . A legend, Mr. The film is directed by Christopher Nolan and stars Christian Bale as Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Liam Neeson as Ra's al Ghul, Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow, Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes, Gary Oldman as James Gordon and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox. Batman Begins was released June 1. United States. The lighter comic- toned direction Schumacher had taken the franchise was abandoned, and the new film was written concerning the origins of Batman with some inspirations from classic comic book storylines such as Batman: The Man Who Falls, Batman: Year One, and The Long Halloween. The film was the first live action film to depict this stage of the character's history. A third film, The Dark Knight Rises, was released in 2. Bruce is rescued by his father Thomas, but he is left with a fear of bats.

When Bruce and his parents attend the opera Mefistofele, Bruce is frightened by the portrayals of bat- like demons in the performance. He and his parents exit into an alley, where they are confronted by an armed mugger, Joe Chill, who shoots and kills Bruce's parents. Chill is arrested and convicted for the double murder, but Bruce is left traumatized by the incident. The family's butler, Alfred Pennyworth, raises Bruce in the absence of his parents. Chill is assassinated by one of Falcone's henchmen, depriving Bruce of his opportunity. When Bruce tells his childhood friend Rachel Dawes about his foiled plan, she expresses disgust and gives him a lecture about the difference between justice and revenge.

Batman Begins Dvd

Travel guide to filming locations for Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins in London and Chicago; in Docklands; Ropemaker Street in the City of London; Mill Hill; St. Batman Begins (no Brasil, Batman Begins; em Portugal, Batman: O Início) é um filme anglo-americano de 2005 dirigido por Christopher Nolan. O roteiro foi baseado no. Batman Begins is a 2005 superhero film based on the fictional DC Comics character Batman. Batman Begins is a 2005 superhero film based on the DC Comics character Batman, co-written and directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bale, Michael.

  • One of the flagship Warner releases on HD DVD, Batman Begins was delayed on BD to better capitalize on interactive features. Unfortunately, Warner appeared to make no.
  • Batman is a 1960s American live action television series, based on the DC comic book character of the same name. It stars Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin.
  • A good Batman game that was the best Batman game until Arkham Asylum and Arkham City were released. This game is.

Realizing she is right, Bruce decides to confront Falcone himself, but the mob boss dismisses him as ignorant of nature of the underworld (Saying, . Realizing that Falcone is right, and that he cannot truly understand what he intends to fight as a wealthy playboy, he abandons his life at home, stowing away on a cargo ship and traveling the world for nearly seven years. After a prison brawl, an enigmatic man who identifies himself as Henri Ducard invites Bruce to join an elite vigilante group, the League of Shadows, under the leadership of Ra's al Ghul.

Bruce is freed the next day and travels to the top of a Tibetan mountain to begin his combat training with the League. In his training, Bruce overcomes his fear of bats while under the hallucinogenic influence of a mountainside blue flower. However, Bruce soon realises that he will be forced to lead the League in its fight to restore order to Gotham by creating chaos and murdering its population. When Ducard orders Bruce to execute a murderer as a final test, Bruce refuses to obey and destroys the League's headquarters, killing Ra's in the process.

However, Bruce rescues an unconscious Ducard from the wreckage and leaves his mentor at a nearby village. He seeks the help of Rachel, now an assistant district attorney, and police sergeant Jim Gordon, who consoled him in the aftermath of his parents' murder. Bruce pays a visit to Gordon one night in disguise to establish communication. After reestablishing his connections to his father's company, Wayne Enterprises, Bruce is able to acquire, with the help of former board member Lucius Fox, a prototype armored car and an experimental armored suit.

He augments the suit with League of Shadows armor, and a special cape that can become a rudimentary hang glider. He also disrupts an assassination attempt on Dawes, leaving her with evidence against a judge that has gone soft on Falcone in the past.

While investigating the . Jonathan Crane (. Bruce is rescued by Alfred, administered an anti- toxin developed by Fox and awakens two days later on his thirtieth birthday. The Scarecrow later poisons Rachel after showing her that the toxin, which is revealed to only be harmful in vapor form, is being piped into Gotham's water supply. She is saved by Batman. The police enter the asylum, and Batman escapes with Rachel in his Batmobile. After administering the antidote to Rachel in his cave, he gives her two vials of it for Gordon; one for the detective to inoculate himself, and another to mass- produce for the city's population.

Ra's, who had been conspiring with the Scarecrow the entire time, plans to destroy Gotham by distributing the toxin (which was extracted from the mountainside blue flowers) undetected via Gotham's water supply, and then vaporize it with a microwave emitter stolen from Wayne Enterprises. Bruce, tricking his guests into leaving, fights briefly with Ra's while the League of Shadows set fire to Wayne Manor. Bruce escapes the inferno with Alfred's help just as the manor is destroyed.

After saving Rachel, and intimating his identity to her, he leaves Gordon in control of the Batmobile to stop the elevated train that is being used to transport the vaporizer to the city's central water hub. Batman battles Ra's, then escapes just as Gordon topples the elevated line using the Batmobile's missiles, leaving Ra's to crash with the train to the ground. Bruce gains control of Wayne Enterprises and installs Fox as CEO, firing Earle. However, he is unable to hold onto Rachel, who cannot reconcile her love for Bruce Wayne with his dual life as Batman.

Gordon, newly promoted to lieutenant, unveils a Bat- Signal for Batman and mentions a new criminal that, like Batman, has . Batman promises to investigate and Gordon mentions that he forgot to thank Batman for his efforts. Batman replies by saying that he'll never have to, as he takes off into the night. The film is rated 1. BBFC for moderate horror and violence.

Director Joel Schumacher had desired to create a Batman: Year One adaptation after Batman Forever had been financially successful and had approached Warner Bros with the idea. However, it was pushed aside at the time in favour of a more campy sequel; Batman and Robin was produced to commercial and financial failure. In 1. 99. 8 Warner Bros then decided the right direction was to reboot the series and began developing the adaptation of the Batman: Year One comic as well as also seriously considering a crossover with the planned revival of the Superman film franchise titled . But they never considered Schumacher for the job of directing despite the reboot being his original idea and the desire to redeem himself to Batman fans. From 1. 99. 8 to 2. Darren Aronofsky.

But the film never came close to entering formal production at the time. Pictures then hired Memento director Christopher Nolan to direct the untitled Batman: Year One adaptation ending its time in development hell. In March 2. 00. 3, David S. Goyer was signed on to write the script for the movie.

In April 2. 00. 3, Christopher Nolan was attached to direct The Prestige under Warner Bros. In a July 2. 00. 3 interview, however, Nolan said that the Batman film was in the early stages of production. In September 2. 00. Warner Bros. Nolan said that humanity and realism would be the bases of the origin film. Screenwriter David S. Goyer said that the goal of the film was to get the audience to care for both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Christian Bale felt the previous films had underused Batman's character, overplaying the villains instead.

DC Comics president Paul Levitz, director Christopher Nolan and screenwriter David S. Goyer worked as a team to draw ideas from thirty years' worth of Batman comics. Nolan's personal . The early scene in Batman Begins of young Bruce Wayne falling into a well was directly adapted from The Man Who Falls. The group also drew June 1. Batman #2. 32: . While the Scarecrow stories were mentioned more ambiguously, the Scarecrow's line in the film, . Crane isn't here right now.

In addition, the story Batman: The Long Halloween influenced Goyer in writing the screenplay, with the villain Carmine Falcone as one of many elements which were drawn from Halloween's . The sequel to Halloween, Batman: Dark Victory, also served as an influence.

Goyer used the vacancy of Bruce Wayne's multi- year absence presented in Batman: Year One to help set up some of the film's events in the transpiring years.

Batman Begins – Wikip. O roteiro foi baseado no personagem Batman da DC Comics, principalmente em duas hist.

O objetivo era fazer o p. O filme, que foi filmado principalmente na Inglaterra e em Chicago, contou com proezas tradicionais e miniaturas, computa. Um novo batm. Estreou em 1.

Estados Unidos e no Canad. Arrecadou US$ 4. 8 milh. Bruce acorda de um pesadelo sobre seu passado e descobre que . A narrativa retorna a inf. Antes que ele fa. Rachel Dawes, amiga de inf.

Naquela noite Bruce confronta Falcone, que diz que seu imp. Inspirado, Bruce decide viajar pelo mundo, aprendendo sobre o mundo do crime, isso antes que ele mesmo fosse preso por ser um criminoso. Depois do treinamento de Bruce com a Liga das Sombras, Ra's e Ducard contam a ele seu prop. Ele recusa ser um assassino e luta com Ra's, queimando o templo e fugindo. Bruce pede ajuda ao Sargento James Gordon, um dos poucos policiais honestos de Gotham, e se torna amigo de Lucius Fox, antigo membro da diretoria da Wayne Enterprises. Fox ajuda Bruce a adquirir um carro blindado e um prot. Junto de Alfred, ele acha outra entrada para as cavernas debaixo do po.

Na sua primeira noite como vigilante, ele intercepta um carregamento de drogas, e captura Falcone, dando a Rachel evidencias para incrimin. Falcone e seus homens s. Jonathan Crane, que estava pagando Falcone para que ele importasse um alucin. Crane usa essa droga em seus experimentos, aplicando- a em seus pacientes como cobaias.

Quando Falcone exige um lucro maior, Crane aplica a droga nele, deixando ele literalmente insano. Enquanto investiga as drogas, Batman encontra Crane, que aplica a toxina do medo nele. Alfred salva o Batman, usando uma antitoxina formulada por Fox. Crane atrai Rachel para Arkham e mostra a ela que a toxina estava sendo liberada nas . Batman aplica a droga em Crane e salva Rachel a, levando- a para sua caverna e aplicando a antitoxina nela e da a ela dois frascos com a antitoxina, um para Gordon e o outro para ser produzido em massa. No anivers. Depois de Bruce expulsar todos os convidados fingindo estar b.

Os homens de Ra's colocam fogo na Mans. Apesar da Mans. Rachel entrega o ant. Batman revela sua verdadeira identidade . Enquanto Batman confronta Ra's no trem, Gordon destr. Batman destr. Entretanto, perde Rachel, que n. Quando ele parasse de ser o Batman, ela estaria esperando- o.

Gordon, agora Tenente, mostra a Batman uma carta . A noite, Bruce se torna Batman, o vigilante protetor da cidade. Bale foi contratado em 1. Ele disse, . Ele primeiro ganhou mais peso do que era necess. Bale reconheceu que seu grande f.

Ele perdeu o peso extra quando as grava. O jovem Bruce Wayne . Nolan achou que Caine efetivamente interpretou o elemento de pai adotivo do personagem. Depois de ter sido ferido, ele foi convidado a trabalhar como mordomo dos Wayne por Thomas Wayne, porque, . Ducard treina Bruce em ninjitsu, uma forma de arte marcial. O roteirista David S.

Goyer disse que ele achou que Ra's era o mais complexo dos vil. Nolan encontrou um . Sarah Michelle Gellar e Rachel Mc. Adams eram candidatas ao papel. Dublada por Priscila Amorim. A jovem Rachel Dawes .

Ele era o policial em servi. Dessa maneira, ele tem um la. Nolan originalmente queria escalar Oldman como um vil. Ele filmou a maioria de suas cenas na Inglaterra. Jonathan Crane/ Espantalho: Um psicofarmacologista que trabalha no Asilo Arkham e tem desenvolvido uma toxina que induz medo. Ele assume a pessoa de Espantalho durante seus experimentos, usando humanos para testar seus compostos. Nolan dicidiu n. Murphy explicou, .

Ele dividiu uma cela na pris. Ele fez Chill ser assassinado quando ele decidiu testemunhar contra Falcone. Ele faz neg. Jonathan Crane para contrabandear a toxina do medo de Crane para poluir o fornecimento de . Dublado por Luiz Carlos Persy. Morgan Freeman como Lucius Fox: Um empregado da Wayne Enterprises que foi rebaixado para trabalhar da Divis.

Fox fornece a Bruce o equipamento necess. Freeman era a primeira e . Loeb; Linus Roache e Sara Stewart como Thomas e Martha Wayne, os pais de Bruce; Richard Brake como Joe Chill, o assassino dos Wayne; Murphy Gerard como o corrupto juiz Faden; Tim Booth como Victor Zsasz; Rade . Os atores John Foo, Joey Ansah, Spencer Wilding, Dave Legeno, Khan Bonfils, Rodney Ryan, Dean Alexandrou, James Embree, Emil Martirossian, Mark Strange and Chuen Tsou aparecem como membros da Liga das Sombras.

Em janeiro de 2. 00. Warner Bros. Goyer foi contratado para roterizar o filme dois meses depois. Nolan disse que a humanidade e o realismo seriam a base da origem do filme, e que . Goyer disse que o objetivo do filme era fazer com que o p. A cena em Batman Begins onde o jovem Bruce cai em um po. Os roteiristas de Batman Begins tamb.

Nolan explicou que ao ignorar a ideia, que ele disse n. Ele exibiu Blade Runner para o diretor de fotografia Wally Pfister e para duas outras pessoas para mostrar a atitude e o estilo que ele queria trazer para o filme.

Nolan descreveu o mundo do filme como . Crowley constru. Elementos foram tirados de Nova York, Chicago e T. O Narrows foi baseado na natureza favelada da, agora demolida, cidade murada de Kowloon. Ele usou o nariz de um modelo de P- 3. Lightning para servir como chassi do motor de turbina do Tumbler. Seis modelos foram constru. Depois da cria. No primeiro teste de pulo, a dianteira do carro ca.

A configura. O processo de projeto e desenvolvimento demorou nove meses e custou v. Dois dos quatro carros eram vers. A outra vers. Os motoristas profissionais escolhidos para dirigir o Tumbler treinaram durante seis meses antes de dirigirem o carro nas ruas de Chicago para as cenas do filme. A cabine do piloto era maior para as c. Essa miniatura tinha um motor el. Entretanto, o verdadeiro Tumbler foi usado para a sequ.

A figurinista Lindy Hemming e sua equipe trabalharam na oficina de efeitos especiais de codinome . O desenho b. Christian Bale foi moldado e esculpido antes de seu treinamento f.

Para evitar imperfei. A equipe de Hemming criou a capa a partir da vers. O processo foi usado pela for. A capa era presa pelo capuz, que foi desenhado por Nolan, Hemming e pelo supervisor de efeitos de figurino, Graham Churchyard.

O capuz foi criado para ser fino o bastante para permitir o movimento da cabe. Churchyard explicou que o capuz foi desenhado para mostrar . Uma tomada que Wally Pfister havia planejado usar uma grua teve de ser feita com uma c. O diretor de arte Nathan Crowley instalou doze bombas para criar a cachoeira e construiu pedras usando moldes de pedras reais.

Pancras e a Esta. Por esse motivo, nada muito sangrento foi filmado. Exemplos incluem a linha do horizonte de Gotham, os exteriores da Torre Wayne e algumas tomadas dos exteriores do monotrilho. Morcegos mortos foram escaneados para criar modelos digitais. Nolan originalmente convidou Zimmer para compor a m.

Zimmer e Howard come. A orquestra de 9.

Zimmer chamou um menino soprano para ajudar a refletir a m. Ambos os compositores colaboraram para criar 2 horas e 2.

O verdadeiro pai de Bruce morreu antes que eles pudessem estabelecer uma rela. O Lucius de Morgan Freeman . Alfred se mostra como a figura materna de amor incondicional, apesar da falta de foco na figura da m.

O diretor Christopher Nolan afirmou que a ideia por de tr. Fingeroth se referiu a esse elemento como . Ferrari Virtual Race 2009 Pcs there.

O tema do medo . As macabras e distorcidas imagens apresentadas pelas alucina. O tema do medo . Orndorf notou que Bruce . No site Rotten Tomatoes o filme possu.

O consenso . Batman Begins tamb. Os entrevistados eram 5. Foi indicado ao BAFTA em tr. Apenas alguns meses ap. Entre os exemplos citados estava Casino Royale. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

Leesmovieinfo. net. Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2. Chicago Sun- Times . Site oficial. Warner Bros.

Superhero Hype! 1. Warner Home Video. UGO's World of Batman . He's brawnier, but he still has brains». San Francisco Chronicle .

Julho de 2. 00. 5 . Daily Telegraph. 2. Warner Home Video. Los Angeles Times . Warner Home Video. How. Stuff. Works .

Site oficial. Warner Bros. Warner Home Video. The Kansas City Star. Time Warner International .