
Iphone Sqlite Tutorial Insert Update Delete In Visual Studio

Iphone Sqlite Tutorial Insert Update Delete In Visual Studio Average ratng: 9,1/10 1389votes

How to call ASP. Net Web API service from Android? In this small one, I would like to show how we can make a demo application in Android consuming ASP. Net Web API service.

To save time, I already prepare a sample REST web service made by ASP. NET Web API with only one resource at http: //restwebserviceforandroid. You can access the service without any authentication for your testing purposes. On the server, I use Entity Framework to connect to a SQL Server behind with following structure.

The resource Product allows following HTTP actions. Products. Controller : Api. Controller. . However in this case, instead of using PUT action for updating, you see that I use the POST action updating product. There are two functions for handling POST action in the controller.

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Iphone Sqlite Tutorial Insert Update Delete In Visual Studio

In this part of the SQLite tutorial, we will be inserting, updating, and deleting data. We use the INSERT INTO, DELETE, and UPDATE statements. SQLite Expert - A powerful administration tool for your SQLite databases. Source code 1.1. Visual Studio. I’m using Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate Update 3. My web services base on templates of this version of Visual Studio therefore if.

Tutorial: Building an Android Application in 6 Steps. A few months ago, when I started working with Android, I built an Employee Directory application as an.

The function with simple types. Product Post(string name, decimal price, string description). These arguments will be given through URL parameters. Meanwhile for updating, I’ll post a complex object in HTTP body so that ASP. NET Web API service can understand and handle parameters correctly.

This approach depends completely on how ASP. NET Web API works as I discussed in previous posts before. I think the code of service is pretty simple and explains itself. The image below show how application looks like. The start activity is Main. Activity. From this one, I can go to other activities to create a product, list all of them, modify one or delete it.

For example, All. Products. Activity is a list view activity for enumerating all available products in database. They start, draw the controls and then call appropriate web service action in background to get or modify data. When the task finishes, the activity will be reloaded with fresh data from service.

For example the code of All. Products. Activity looks like following. All. Products. Activity extends List. Activity . Please wait..

In on. Create() function, I make an initialize. Components() function where I initialize the references to all of controls I would like to access later. Task for loading data will be called after this function. The task class inherits Async. Task so that I won’t freeze the user interface while executing it in background by loading data (long run process) in do. In. Background() function. The code of do. In.

Background() function will get all of products and populate them into the list view. The custom JSONHttp. Client class makes a HTTP GET to web service, parse the result of JSON format into array of products and fill in the product. List. When data was loaded, the do. In. Background() was done, list view will be populated with a Simple. Adapter with predefined layout R. The xml code of R. Fade Out Audio Adobe Premiere Pro.

The event On. Item. Click. Listener of list view should be handled and takes user to edit activity so that he can edit the selected product. On the Edit. Product. Activity, I receive the product Id given in Extra section, start to load product details, show them on screen and allow user to edit. Edit. Product. Activity extends Activity .

I think the code, in simple cases, makes always better explanation than thousand words. Only one question left is how was the HTTP GET/POST built and sent to server?

Theses actions will be executed in JSONHttp. Client class. This is my custom one, not from standard library of Android. I combine Gson (https: //code. Http. Client for Android.

However in current version, this class can only work in synchronous mode, you can apply the same technique with Asyc. Task to make a Post. Async or Get. Async like in . For posting, we have to tell the server what kind of data format we are sending (in this case is JSON through setting Content- Type header), what kind of data format we are waiting for (in this case is JSON through header Accept) and if we can handle compression (optional). The Http. Client POST supports posting either with URL parameters or with complex object in body. Meanwhile Http. Client GET/DELETE supports only passing data with URL parameters.

The approach will work with any normal RESTful web service. The source code of Android client : https: //bitbucket. Please note that I use Intellij (http: //www. Android development environment, you can easily open/import project if you are using this IDE too. If you use Eclipse, then search on Internet for instructions to import project into your Eclipse IDE. UPDATE 0. 8. 0. 7.

Source code of web service: http: //hintdesk. Web/Source/rest. You have to provide a correct connection string at connectionstrings section in Web.